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A cell under fluorescent microscopy.

Unveiling Cellular Secrets, Researchers Show Location Is Everything

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is translated into proteins in the cytoplasm of cells. But rather than being a uniform “soup,” the cytoplasm is divided into multiple distinct compartments or regions.
A microscope lens pointing at a slide.

Structures of Parkinson's Disease Proteins Show How They Interact

Cryo-electron microscopy has provided new insights into Parkinson's disease-linked proteins and how they interact to contribute to the disease.
Prostate cancer cells, in an early stage on the left and more cancerous on the right.

Role of Enzyme in Prostate Cancer Progression Identified

The role of the SMYD3 enzyme in driving prostate cancer progression has been identified, making it a prime drug target for preventing metastatic disease.
Measle virus particle.

Mapping the Measle Mutations That Help It Spread in the Human Brain

Mayo Clinic researchers mapped how the measles virus mutated and spread in the brain of a person who succumbed to a rare, lethal brain disease.
A woman crying.

The Smell of Women’s Tears Can Reduce Aggression in Men

New research shows that tears from women contain chemicals that block aggression in men. The study finds that sniffing tears leads to reduced brain activity related to aggression, which results is less aggressive behavior.
Cheddar cheese.

What Makes Cheddar Cheese So Cheesy?

The combinations of microorganisms responsible for shaping the taste of Cheddar cheese — including fruity, creamy, buttery and nutty flavours — are investigated in a Nature Communications paper.

Researchers Develop Method To See Inside of Cells

Researchers have developed a new technique to see inside cells with unprecedented detail, revealing a complicated web of interactions that provides new insights into how cells stay healthy.
A shadow of a woman on a bed.

Sleep Deprivation Leads to Reduced Emotional Functioning

Sleep loss does more than just make us tired. It can undermine our emotional functioning, decrease positive moods and put us at higher risk for anxiety symptoms, according to a study.
A woman doing core exercises on a mat.

Review Finds Menstrual Cycle Phases Do Not Impact Exercise Results

An international team of scientists conducted a review, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, focused on advice given to women concerning the menstrual cycle and exercise from over 700 articles.
A man spraying pesticides in a field.

Pesticides Should Be Tested For Parkinson's Link, Say Researchers

There is increasing evidence that pesticides play a role in the development of Parkinson’s disease. But these substances are not sufficiently tested for their possible role in this disease.