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An old cookpot over a fire.

Ancient Cooking Pots Tell Us What the People of Neolithic China Really Ate

A study of food residues found in ancient pottery has shown what the people of ancient China ate, which included millet, rice, yellow croaker and mandarin fish.
A woman crying.

The Smell of Women’s Tears Can Reduce Aggression in Men

New research shows that tears from women contain chemicals that block aggression in men. The study finds that sniffing tears leads to reduced brain activity related to aggression, which results is less aggressive behavior.

Researchers Develop Method To See Inside of Cells

Researchers have developed a new technique to see inside cells with unprecedented detail, revealing a complicated web of interactions that provides new insights into how cells stay healthy.
A woman doing core exercises on a mat.

Review Finds Menstrual Cycle Phases Do Not Impact Exercise Results

An international team of scientists conducted a review, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, focused on advice given to women concerning the menstrual cycle and exercise from over 700 articles.
A poison dart frog.

How Do Poison Frogs Store Their Toxin Without Harming Themselves?

A newly identified protein helps poison dart frogs accumulate and store a potent toxin in their skin which they use for self-defence against predators.
Diabetes equipment lined up in a row.

Novel Cause of Diabetes Discovered, Could Lead to Potential Treatment

Researchers have identified an enzyme that blocks insulin produced in the body—a discovery that could provide a new target to treat diabetes.
A 3D model of a human brain.

Harmful Tau Proteins’ Impact on Neurons Unveiled for Alzheimer’s Treatment

University of Virginia Alzheimer’s researchers have discovered how harmful tau proteins damage the essential operating instructions for our brain cells, a finding which could lead to new treatments.
Neurons connected in a network.

New Insights Into How Tau Damages Neurons

New research has shown how tau proteins damage the essential operating instructions for our brain cells, leading to Alzheimer's disease.
Orange and whit pill capsules spill from a clear bottle.

Cardiac Drug Blocks Potential Alzheimer's Blood Test

A drug commonly used to treat heart failure changes a marker proposed for use in an Alzheimer's disease test, potentially increasing the risk of misdiagnosis.
A degenerating brain.

Parkinson's Protein Discovery Opens New Therapeutic Avenue

A pathological protein long associated with Parkinson’s disease has been found in a new study to trigger cells to increase protein synthesis, an event that eventually kills the subset of brain cells that die off in this neurodegenerative condition