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A scientist in the lab.

Zinc May Offer a New Potential Treatment for Thrush

New research could one day pave the way for the treatment of vaginal yeast infections, by shedding new light on how microbes in the body absorb zinc.
A coronavirus virion.

HIV Drug May Prevent Coronavirus Diseases, Study Suggests

New research by the University of Bristol has shown how an HIV drug could stop many coronavirus diseases, including the SARS-CoV-2 variants.
A 3D printed stencil of DECTIN-1's structure.

Fungus-Fighting Protein Also Exacerbates Autoimmune Diseases

A protein in the immune system programmed to protect the body from fungal infections is also responsible for exacerbating the severity of certain autoimmune diseases.
neurons covered in cobwebs.

Five Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Researchers show that, on a population scale, the frequency of disorders such as depression, constipation, and urinary tract infections is associated with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis five years later.
T cells.

Why Do Our Immune Cells Need an Influx of Water and Salts To Move?

Researchers have shown that an influx of water and ions into immune cells allows them to migrate to where they’re needed in the body.
Sourdough bread.

Sourdough Starters Could Help Other Breads Go Gluten-Free

People with celiac disease, or intolerance to dietary gluten, may soon have more food options, thanks to an unlikely source: sourdough bread.
Double helix structure of DNA.

CRISPR's Reach Widens: Enzyme Targets Nearly All Human Genes

A team of engineers have developed a method to broaden the reach of CRISPR technologies. While the original CRISPR system could only target 12.5% of the human genome, the new method expands access to potentially target and treat a range of diseases.
A man with a cold wipes his nose with a tissue.

Thicker Snot Facilitates Bacterial Swarms in Infection

A new study has demonstrated how bacteria use the viscosity of mucus to enhance their ability to self-organize and possibly drive infection.
A round bacteria with chemical structures in the background.

Introducing “Reverse Metabolomics”, a New Approach to Microbiome Research

Reverse metabolomics is a new technique that combines organic synthesis, data science and mass spectrometry to better understand what molecules are being secreted by the microbiome and how they affect human health.
A woman forming the shape of a heart with her hands.

Bacterial Vaginosis: Vaginal Microbes’ Attack Linked to Serious Health Outcomes

Bacterial vaginosis, like many women’s health conditions, has a serious but underappreciated impact. In vaginosis, the vagina’s natural microbiome – the community of microorganisms that call it home – becomes disrupted. The condition remained poorly understood – until now.